The Rewards of Being a Peacemaker: 4 Teachings from Luke

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a peacemaker? Is it simply avoiding conflicts and keeping the peace on the surface? Or does it go deeper, transforming not only our relationships but also our inner world?

In this article, we will explore the transformative benefits of being a peacemaker, drawing insights from the Gospel of Luke. Discover how embracing this role can bring inner peace, a closer connection with the divine, and the promise of a rich inheritance.

Join us as we delve into the teachings of Luke and uncover the hidden treasures that await those who choose the path of peace. Let’s challenge common beliefs and open our hearts to a profound understanding of what it truly means to be a peacemaker.

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Embracing the Call to be Children of God (Luke 6:20)

In the Gospel of Luke, we find the famous sermon of Jesus known as the Beatitudes, where he blesses various groups of people. Among them, peacemakers hold a special place, for they are called children of God.

This profound connection between peacemaking and being children of God highlights the divine value placed on promoting peace in our lives and communities. By actively striving for peace, we align ourselves with the heart of God and participate in His divine plan.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” – Luke 6:20

Jesus teaches that when we embrace the role of peacemakers, we not only experience the rewards of inner peace and harmony but also inherit the divine favor and recognition as children of God.

Imagine the depth of this divine connection. We become part of God’s family, representing His love, mercy, and justice in a world often plagued by conflict and division.

In our pursuit of peace, let us remember that being called children of God carries a responsibility to extend love, compassion, and reconciliation to others. Through peacemaking, we reflect the nature of our heavenly Father and invite others to experience His transformative presence.

The Rewards of Embracing Peacemaking

By embracing the call to be children of God and wholeheartedly engaging in the work of peacemaking, we unlock a multitude of rewards. Let’s explore these rewards in the table below:

Benefits of Embracing Peacemaking Scripture References
Deepened Divine Connection: Peacemakers experience a closer relationship with God, aligning their lives with His heart for reconciliation. Luke 6:20
Inheritance of Divine Favor: Peace promoters inherit the favor of God, receiving His blessings and provisions in abundance. Luke 6:20
Inner Peace: Engaging in peacemaking cultivates inner tranquility, allowing us to experience profound personal well-being. Luke 6:20
Positive Influence: Peacemakers have a transformative impact on their relationships and communities, inspiring others to pursue peace. Luke 6:20
Rich Inheritance: The promise of being called children of God guarantees a share in His eternal kingdom. Luke 6:20

As we explore the beatitudes in Luke and understand the profound connection between peacemakers and being called children of God, let us embrace the call to actively promote peace in our lives, relationships, and communities. Through our peacemaking efforts, we not only experience personal transformation but also contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world.

Inheriting the Earth: A Promise to Peacemakers (Matthew 5:5)

In the teachings of Jesus, a profound promise awaits those who embrace the role of peacemakers. Throughout various gospel accounts, we discover the significance of this promise – the inheritance of the earth.

This promise reflects a share in the coming kingdom of God, a kingdom characterized by peace, justice, and righteousness. By actively pursuing peace and harmony, peacemakers not only contribute to the well-being of society but also align themselves with the divine purpose.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” – Matthew 5:9

These powerful words spoken by Jesus in the Beatitudes affirm the special place held by peacemakers in the kingdom of God. They are not only recognized as children of God but also inheritors of the earth, a promise that transcends worldly possessions.

The inheritance of the earth extends beyond material gains. It signifies a participation in the unfolding of God’s divine plan, where peace and righteousness reign. Through their dedication to establishing peace, peacemakers become instrumental in establishing the kingdom of God on Earth.

As we reflect on this promise, let us be inspired to embrace our role as peacemakers, knowing that our efforts contribute to a greater purpose. By ushering in peace and reconciliation, we play an active part in shaping a world that reflects the values of God’s kingdom.

inheritance of the earth

It is important to genuinely invest in the pursuit of peace, for it is through this commitment that we witness God’s transformative power at work. Beyond the temporal blessings of wealth and possessions, the inheritance of the earth stands as a testament to the significance of peacemaking in the eyes of God.

Advantages of inheriting the earth as peacemakers Impact on individuals and society
Embracing God’s divine purpose Achieving inner peace and harmony
Contributing to a just and peaceful society Fostering unity and reconciliation
Bearing witness to God’s kingdom on Earth Inspiring others to live a life of peace

Cultivating Inner Peace: The Fruit of Peacemaking (James 3:18)

Peacemaking goes beyond creating external harmony; it also holds the key to experiencing inner peace. By actively promoting harmony and resolving conflicts, you can cultivate a sense of calmness and well-being within yourself.

When we engage in peacemaking, we contribute to the restoration of harmony and unity in our relationships and communities. This process involves seeking understanding, offering forgiveness, and finding common ground. It requires us to lay aside our pride and egos, embracing humility and empathy in our interactions.

Through peacemaking, we create an environment that nurtures personal well-being and fosters healthy relationships. When conflicts are resolved, tensions are eased, and trust is restored, we open the door to experiencing inner peace in our lives.

“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” – James 3:18

James 3:18 highlights the powerful connection between peacemaking and personal well-being. The act of sowing peace reaps a harvest of righteousness, symbolizing the positive outcomes that come from promoting harmony and resolving conflicts.

When we experience inner peace, we become more resilient in the face of challenges and better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of life. Our relationships thrive, and we find increased joy and contentment in our daily lives.

Cultivating inner peace through peacemaking requires ongoing effort and intentionality. It involves developing skills such as active listening, effective communication, and conflict resolution. By practicing these skills and embodying the principles of empathy, compassion, and forgiveness, we can create a ripple effect that extends beyond ourselves, spreading peace and harmony to those around us.

The Benefits of Cultivating Inner Peace

Cultivating inner peace through peacemaking offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved mental and emotional well-being
  • Enhanced relationships and deeper connections
  • Increased resilience and ability to adapt to change
  • Heightened self-awareness and personal growth

When you embark on the journey of peacemaking, you not only contribute to the greater good but also experience personal transformation. The fruits of inner peace and harmony are worth the effort and commitment.

In the next section, we will explore how pursuing peace allows us to see the goodness of God manifesting in our lives.

Seeing the Goodness of God through Pursuing Peace (Psalm 34:14)

In our journey of faith, the pursuit of peace plays a pivotal role in our connection with God and our experience of His goodness. Psalm 34:14 beautifully encapsulates this truth, reminding us to “seek peace and pursue it.” By actively embracing peacemaking, we open the door to a deeper revelation of God’s favor, provision, and faithfulness in our lives.

When we prioritize peace in our relationships and interactions, we align ourselves with God’s heart and His desire for harmony among His children. It is in this pursuit that we catch glimpses of His goodness manifesting in various aspects of our lives.

Imagine a world where peace reigns, where conflicts are resolved with grace and understanding. In such a world, we experience the favor of God as we navigate life’s challenges. His divine provision becomes evident as He blesses us in abundance, guiding us along paths of righteousness and contentment. And in the midst of it all, His faithfulness shines through, reminding us that He is with us, sustaining us every step of the way.

Through the pursuit of peace, God’s goodness reaches beyond our personal lives and extends to the broader community. As peacemakers, we become conduits of His blessings, agents of transformation in a broken world. When we choose peace over discord, we create an environment where healing can take place, where reconciliation becomes possible, and where the Kingdom of God can be experienced here on earth.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” – Matthew 5:9

Let us take a moment to reflect on the profound impact of peacemaking in our lives. How have you personally experienced the goodness of God through your pursuit of peace?

God's Favor and Provision

God’s Favor and Provision Key Scriptures
Favor in relationships Proverbs 16:7 – “When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.”
Provision in adversity Isaiah 26:3 – “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”
Blessings in obedience Psalm 37:37 – “Mark the blameless and behold the upright, for there is a future for the man of peace.”

As we see from these scriptures, God’s favor and provision are intricately connected to our pursuit of peace. Let us continue to seek peace, promote reconciliation, and sow seeds of harmony in all areas of our lives. In doing so, we will discover the abundant goodness of God unfolding before our eyes.

Applying Biblical Wisdom to Real Life Situations

Now that we have explored the teachings in Luke, Matthew, James, and Psalms, let us delve into practical ways to apply these biblical principles to real-life situations. By aligning our actions with the wisdom found in scripture, we can navigate conflicts and promote peace in our relationships and community.

First and foremost, it is crucial to approach every situation with humility and empathy. The biblical wisdom teaches us to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39), reminding us to treat others with kindness and understanding. This principle should guide our responses and interactions, even in the midst of disagreements or misunderstandings.

Steps to Apply Biblical Wisdom in Real-Life Situations:

  1. Seek Forgiveness and Reconciliation: When conflicts arise, strive to be the peacemaker by initiating forgiveness and seeking reconciliation. The Bible urges us to “be at peace with each other” (Mark 9:50) and to “make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual edification” (Romans 14:19).
  2. Practice Active Listening: Truly hearing and understanding others’ perspectives is essential for resolving conflicts. James 1:19 advises us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” By actively listening, we create space for dialogue and bridge the gap between differing opinions.
  3. Choose Your Words Wisely: The power of our words cannot be underestimated. Proverbs 15:1 reminds us that “a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” By speaking with kindness, respect, and love, we can diffuse tense situations and foster a peaceful atmosphere.
  4. Practice Forgiveness: Forgiveness is an integral part of biblical wisdom and promotes emotional healing for all parties involved. Jesus teaches us to “forgive one another, just as God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). Let us extend the same grace and forgiveness we have received.
  5. Seek Mediation: In more complex or deeply rooted conflicts, seeking mediation can provide a neutral ground for resolution. Proverbs 11:14 advises, “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.” Engaging a trusted mediator or seeking counsel from wise individuals can help facilitate reconciliation.

By applying biblical wisdom to real-life situations, we can navigate conflicts with grace, promote understanding, and contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious world. Remember, the teachings of Scripture not only guide our spiritual lives but also offer practical guidance for our daily interactions.

“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” – James 3:18

So let us sow the seeds of peace, drawing from the timeless wisdom found in the Bible, and reap the abundant blessings that come from embracing our role as peacemakers.

applying biblical wisdom to real life situations

Real-Life Situation Biblical Principle Action Steps
Conflict within a Family Love your neighbor as yourself
  • Initiate forgiveness and seek reconciliation.
  • Practice active listening and empathy.
  • Choose words that promote understanding and healing.
  • Extend grace and practice forgiveness.
  • Consider seeking family counseling or mediation.
Disagreements in the Workplace Be at peace with each other
  • Approach conflicts with humility and respect.
  • Listen to the perspectives of others.
  • Speak with kindness and seek common ground.
  • Choose compromise over confrontation.
  • Consider seeking workplace mediation if necessary.
Community Divisions Make every effort to do what leads to peace
  • Engage in open and respectful dialogue.
  • Prioritize understanding and empathy.
  • Speak out against injustice and promote unity.
  • Seek reconciliation and pursue peaceful resolutions.
  • Collaborate with community leaders for peaceful initiatives.

A Call to Action: Embracing the Role of Peacemaker

As followers of Christ, we have been entrusted with the mission of bringing harmony and reconciliation to a world that is longing for peace. Embracing the role of a peacemaker requires both inner transformation and active engagement with the brokenness around us. It is a call to be agents of healing and unity, working towards the restoration of relationships and the establishment of justice.

Embracing the role of a peacemaker involves… not only seeking peace in our personal lives but also extending it to the larger social context. It means standing up against injustice, advocating for the marginalized, and promoting understanding in the face of conflict. By embracing this role, we become instruments of God’s love and agents of transformation in our communities.

So how can you embrace your role as a peacemaker? Here are some practical steps you can take:

  1. Start with yourself: Cultivate inner peace and harmony through practices such as meditation, prayer, and self-reflection. This will enable you to approach conflicts with a calm and compassionate demeanor, seeking reconciliation rather than retaliation.
  2. Listen actively: When conflicts arise, actively listen to all parties involved, seeking to understand their perspectives and concerns. By fostering open dialogue and empathy, you can lay the foundation for peaceful resolutions.
  3. Offer forgiveness: Forgiveness is a powerful force that can break the cycle of anger and resentment. Choose to forgive others, even when it’s difficult, and let go of grudges that hinder reconciliation.
  4. Advocate for justice: Stand up for what is right and just. Speak out against oppression, discrimination, and violence. Use your voice and resources to support organizations and initiatives that promote peace and equality.
  5. Seek common ground: Look for commonalities and shared values with others, even in the midst of disagreements. Find ways to bridge divides and build connections based on respect and understanding.


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” – Luke 6:20

By actively embracing the role of a peacemaker, you not only contribute to the healing of individuals and communities but also experience the transformative power of God’s love working through you. Together, let us answer the call to be peacemakers and create a world where peace and justice reign.

Embracing the Role of Peacemaker

Benefits of Embracing the Role of Peacemaker Description
Inner Peace By actively pursuing peace, you will experience a greater sense of inner calm and serenity.
Stronger Relationships Peacemaking fosters understanding and reconciliation, leading to stronger and healthier relationships.
Positive Impact Your efforts as a peacemaker can inspire and positively impact others, creating a ripple effect of peace in your community.
Divine Connection As a peacemaker, you align yourself with God’s heart and purpose, deepening your spiritual connection.

Embracing the Promise and Pursuit of Peace

As we conclude our exploration of Luke’s teachings on being a peacemaker, it is important to reflect on the rewards that await you. By embracing the promise of inner peace, divine connection, and a rich inheritance, you can continue your pursuit of peace with renewed purpose and conviction.

Embracing the promise begins with recognizing that true peace comes from within. When you commit to resolving conflicts, promoting harmony, and seeking reconciliation, you create space for inner peace to flourish. This inner peace, rooted in the teachings of Christ, will bring you a profound sense of tranquility and serenity.

Furthermore, as you embark on the pursuit of peace, you will discover a deepening connection with the divine. By aligning your actions with the principles of love, forgiveness, and compassion, you invite the presence of God into your life. This divine connection not only brings you closer to the source of peace but also empowers you to be a vessel of peace in the world.

Lastly, embracing the promise of being a peacemaker opens the door to a rich inheritance. The pursuit of peace is not in vain; it carries a promise of abundance and favor. As you sow seeds of peace in your relationships, community, and society, you will reap the rewards of a more harmonious and prosperous world.