5 Rewards of Sharing the Gospel: Encouragements from Matthew

Have you ever wondered how sharing the Gospel can enrich your life?

What are the benefits of spreading God’s Word and engaging in the act of evangelism?

In this article, we will explore the encouragements found in the book of Matthew, revealing the top 5 rewards that come from sharing the Gospel.

These rewards extend beyond the impact we have on others; they also transform us from within. As we delve into the insights provided by Matthew, you will discover how sharing the Gospel not only blesses those around you but also brings about personal growth, spiritual closeness with God, and an extraordinary sense of joy.

Get ready to uncover the enriching rewards that await those who actively participate in spreading God’s Word. Are you curious to learn more about how sharing the Gospel can enhance your life? Let’s dive in!

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Fulfilling the Great Commission: Aligning Yourself with God’s Purpose

The Great Commission, as mentioned in Matthew 28:19-20, emphasizes the call to make disciples of all nations. By sharing the Gospel, you align yourself with God’s purpose and experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from being part of something eternal.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”

When Jesus gave this command, He entrusted His followers with the responsibility to spread His teachings, inviting others into a relationship with God. By actively fulfilling the Great Commission, you become a vessel through which the transformative power of the Gospel can touch lives.

Aligning yourself with God’s purpose not only brings deep satisfaction to your soul, but it also enables you to participate in the divine plan of salvation. As you make disciples of all nations, you contribute to the growth of God’s kingdom and the fulfillment of His redemptive work.

Embracing the Great Commission allows you to be part of something eternal. The impact you have on someone’s life through sharing the Gospel can transcend time and space, influencing generations to come. By aligning yourself with God’s purpose, you become a conduit for His love and grace to flow through, bringing hope and salvation to others.

Furthermore, fulfilling the Great Commission brings about joy and fulfillment. Witnessing individuals come to faith and experiencing their spiritual transformation is a source of immense joy, both for you and for heaven itself.

In Luke 15:7, Jesus says, “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”


Receiving Heavenly Rewards: Storing Up Treasures in Heaven

In Matthew 10:42, Jesus mentions that even the act of giving a cup of cold water in His name will not lose its reward. By extension, sharing the Gospel promises even greater heavenly rewards. This act of spreading the good news can store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, as mentioned in Matthew 6:20.

When you share the Gospel, you are not only fulfilling your purpose as a follower of Christ but also sowing seeds that bear eternal fruits. Every effort, every conversation, every cup of cold water given in Jesus’ name has the potential to bring about Heavenly rewards that surpass our earthly understanding.

Imagine the joy of knowing that your obedience to the Great Commission is not in vain. The rewards in heaven are beyond anything this world can offer – they are eternal, unfading, and unaffected by the passing of time.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.” (Matthew 6:19-20)

“And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” (Matthew 10:42)

Remember, it’s not just about the magnitude of the act itself but the heart behind it. Whether it’s sharing the Gospel with a neighbor, a stranger, or even a small act of kindness done in Jesus’ name, God sees, rewards, and cherishes every instance where we spread His love and truth.

So, dear friend, as you continue to proclaim the Good News and live out your faith, be encouraged by the knowledge that you are building up treasures in heaven. Trust in the promise of receiving heavenly rewards that surpass anything this world could offer.

Heavenly RewardsBenefits
Eternal treasure that lastsReceiving rewards that endure beyond this life
Unsurpassable joyExperiencing the fullness of heavenly rewards
Divine approvalKnowing that your obedience to God is recognized and celebrated
Deeper intimacy with GodGrowing closer to the Father through faithful service
Contributing to God’s kingdomBeing an agent of transformation in the lives of others

Let us continue to live with an eternal perspective, valuing heavenly rewards above temporary treasures. May our hearts be filled with a desire to proclaim the Gospel, knowing that every act, big or small, has the potential to store up treasures in heaven that will never fade away.

Experiencing God’s Presence: A Unique Closeness with God

When you engage in making disciples as commanded by Jesus in Matthew 28:20, you are promised the presence of God. Through sharing the Gospel, you have the incredible opportunity to experience a unique closeness with God. As you obediently spread His Word, God works through you to reach others, allowing you to personally encounter His presence in a profound way.

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:20

There is something extraordinary about being used by God to reach and impact the lives of others. Your unique closeness with God deepens as you witness His power and transformational work through the act of making disciples. God’s presence is not only felt but experienced in a tangible and remarkable manner as you fulfill the Great Commission.

“For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.” – 1 Corinthians 3:9

As you engage in sharing the Gospel, remember that God works through you, empowering and equipping you to have an impact on those around you.

Your obedience and willingness to step out in faith unlocks the potential for His divine presence to flow through you and touch the lives of others. It is a humbling and awe-inspiring experience to partner with God in His redemptive work.

By making disciples, you not only fulfill the command of Jesus but also unlock a closeness with God that is unmatched. It is through this act that you will encounter Him in ways you never imagined possible. Allow the unique closeness with God that comes from sharing the Gospel to transform your own life and the lives of those you reach.

Benefits of Experiencing God’s Presence
1. Deepens your faith and trust in God
2. Brings greater joy and fulfillment in your spiritual journey
3. Builds a stronger relationship with God
4. Instills a sense of purpose and meaning in your life
5. Strengthens your ability to hear and follow God’s guidance

Spiritual Growth and Maturity: Catalyzing Personal Development

Engaging in evangelism challenges us to deepen our own faith and understanding. By sharing the Gospel, we embark on a journey of personal spiritual growth and maturity. It is through this act of obedience that we not only impact the lives of others but also enrich our own faith.

As Proverbs 11:25 affirms, “whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” When we actively engage in evangelism, we become vessels for blessings, bringing the good news to those who need it. In the process, we deepen our own understanding of God’s love and grace.

“Engaging in evangelism challenges us to deepen our own faith and understanding.”

Sharing the Gospel is not a one-way transaction. Instead, it becomes a catalyst for our personal development. It pushes us to confront our own doubts and fears, forcing us to rely on God’s strength and guidance. As we step out in faith to share the Gospel, we witness the transformative power of God working not only in the lives of others but also in our own lives.

The Benefits of Engaging in Evangelism for Personal Spiritual Growth

  • Deepens our understanding of God’s Word and His love.
  • Strengthens our relationship with Christ through obedience.
  • Increases our reliance on prayer and trust in God’s provision.
  • Challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and overcome fears.
  • Develops a heart of compassion and empathy for others.
  • Heightens our awareness of the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives.

Engaging in evangelism is not only about spreading the Gospel to others but also about deepening our own faith. As we share the good news, we encounter new perspectives, questions, and discussions that push us to seek a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Through this process, we discover that personal growth and maturity go hand in hand with engaging in evangelism.

Participating in the Joy of Salvation: Witnessing Transformative Power

There is nothing quite like the joy of seeing someone come to faith and experiencing the transformative power of God’s grace in their lives. In Luke 15:7, we are reminded of the divine joy that fills heaven when just one sinner repents. By sharing the Gospel, you have the incredible opportunity to participate in this joy of salvation.

Every time you share the good news with others, you become a witness to the life-changing work of God’s grace.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, lives are transformed, darkness is replaced with light, and brokenness is healed. This transformative power is evident as individuals turn their hearts to Christ and experience the forgiveness, redemption, and new life that only He can offer.

Beyond the personal satisfaction of participating in the joy of salvation, sharing the Gospel also brings about a ripple effect.

As more and more people come to faith, communities are transformed, families find hope and healing, and God’s love spreads like wildfire. Your willingness to be a vessel for God’s message can have far-reaching and eternal impacts on the lives of those around you.