The Spiritual Rewards of Kingdom Living: 10 Principles from Matthew

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to experience the Spiritual Rewards of Kingdom Living?

How can the principles outlined in the book of Matthew lead us to a deeper relationship with God and a divine connection?

In this article, we will delve into the profound teachings of Matthew and uncover the answers to these questions and more.

Matthew, one of the four Gospels in the Bible, provides us with a divine roadmap for living according to the principles of the Kingdom of God. These Biblical principles offer us fulfillment, divine connection, and a richer experience of God’s presence in our lives.

By embracing the teachings of Matthew, we have the opportunity to prioritize God’s kingdom, be peacemakers, store up treasures in heaven, hunger and thirst for righteousness, show mercy, have a pure heart, embrace meekness, rejoice in persecutions, love our enemies, and embrace humility and service.

Are you ready to unlock the spiritual rewards that come with Kingdom Living? Let’s dive into these principles and discover the transformative power they hold for our lives.

Seek First the Kingdom of God

The principle of seeking first the kingdom of God teaches us to prioritize God’s kingdom above all else. By making God’s kingdom our utmost priority, we open ourselves up to His divine influence and guidance in every aspect of our lives.

The Bible assures us that when we seek God’s kingdom first, all necessary things will be added to us, according to His abundant provision and grace.

Philippians 4:19 emphasizes this truth, stating, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” When we prioritize God’s kingdom and align our lives with His purposes, we can trust that He will meet our every need.

This includes not only our physical needs but also our emotional, relational, and spiritual needs. Seeking God’s kingdom first unlocks the door to a life filled with divine provision and abundant blessings.

Furthermore, prioritizing God’s kingdom goes beyond simply meeting our needs. It also involves cultivating a deep and intimate relationship with God. When we seek Him first, we draw closer to Him, knowing Him more intimately and experiencing His presence in our lives. This relationship with God brings fulfillment, joy, and a sense of purpose that cannot be found elsewhere.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” – Matthew 6:33

Prioritizing God’s kingdom means aligning our thoughts, actions, and desires with His will. It means seeking to know Him more deeply, obeying His commands, and living according to His principles.

As we do this, we not only experience the reward of having all necessary things added to our lives, but we also cultivate a flourishing relationship with our Heavenly Father, discovering the true fulfillment that comes from living in harmony with Him.

Benefits of Seeking First the Kingdom of GodSripture Reference
Divine provision and abundancePhilippians 4:19
Deepening relationship with GodJames 4:8
Divine guidance and wisdomProverbs 3:5-6
Greater fulfillment and purposeMatthew 5:6
Peace and contentmentIsaiah 26:3

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Being a peacemaker is a blessed role that not only brings harmony to our relationships but also earns us the title of “children of God” and reflects a deeper relationship with the Father. This principle is inspired by Romans 12:18, which instructs us to live at peace with everyone.

By actively seeking peace and reconciliation, we experience the reward of living at peace and cultivating a closer divine kinship.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” – Matthew 5:9

Living as peacemakers means seeking to resolve conflicts and promote understanding. It involves acknowledging and valuing the worth of every individual, even in challenging situations.

By dedicating ourselves to creating and maintaining peace within our families, communities, and the world, we embody the divine kinship and reflect the character of God. As blessed peacemakers, we can foster an atmosphere of love, unity, and reconciliation.

Peacemaking is not passive; it requires intentional action. We must actively pursue peace, prioritize understanding, and exhibit humility, forgiveness, and compassion. By doing so, we contribute to the healing and restoration of broken relationships, communities, and societies.

Living at Peace with Everyone

Living at peace with everyone does not mean avoiding conflict altogether. Instead, it means approaching conflicts with grace and seeking resolutions that honor and respect the dignity and worth of every person involved. It involves demonstrating empathy, active listening, and a willingness to find common ground.

Peacemakers understand that true peace comes from within and radiates outwardly. It is not merely the absence of conflict but the presence of harmonious relationships. By cultivating peace within ourselves, we create an environment conducive to peace and influence others to embrace peaceful attitudes and behaviors.

The Reward of Divine Kinship

By actively embracing and embodying the role of peacemakers, we earn the title of “children of God.” This divine kinship signifies a deeper relationship with the Father, an intimacy characterized by love, trust, and closeness. As children of God, we enjoy the privilege of experiencing His guidance, protection, and provision.

Living as peacemakers also aligns us with the teachings of Jesus, who journeyed on earth as the perfect example of peace and reconciliation. Our pursuit of peace reflects our commitment to following in His footsteps and bringing His message of love and unity to the world.

To illustrate the rewards of peacemaking, consider the following table:

Benefits of PeacemakingScripture References
Deeper relationship with the FatherMatthew 5:9
Living at peace with othersRomans 12:18
Becoming a channel of harmonyColossians 3:15
Reflecting the divine kinshipJohn 13:35

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are catalysts of transformation and agents of God’s love and peace in the world. By pursuing and promoting peace, we not only create a harmonious environment but also experience the profound reward of a deeper relationship with the Father and a divine kinship that reflects His character.

children of God

Store Up Treasures in Heaven

When it comes to building lasting wealth, the key is not in amassing earthly possessions, but in investing in treasures that have eternal significance.

This principle, referred to in 1 Timothy 6:19, encourages believers to focus on heavenly gains rather than the fleeting pleasures of this world. By shifting our perspective and prioritizing the things of God’s kingdom, we lay a firm foundation for the coming age and secure a life that is truly life.

Imagine a life filled with heavenly rewards that never fade away, rewards that go beyond material possessions and provide fulfillment that cannot be measured by earthly standards. By investing our resources, time, and efforts in God’s kingdom, we store up treasures in heaven. These treasures come in various forms, including spiritual growth, divine favor, and eternal blessings.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:19-21

This passage from Matthew reminds us of the temporary nature of earthly possessions and the importance of seeking treasures that have eternal value. By investing in God’s kingdom, we align our hearts with heavenly pursuits and experience the joy and peace that come from living with an eternal perspective.

So how do we store up treasures in heaven? It starts with a heart that is fully devoted to God and a willingness to surrender our desires for earthly wealth in favor of heavenly rewards. Here are some ways to practically apply this principle:

  1. Invest in your spiritual growth through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers.
  2. Use your talents and abilities to serve others and advance God’s kingdom.
  3. Give generously to support ministries that are making an eternal impact.
  4. Share the gospel and make disciples, actively participating in God’s mission to reconcile the world to Himself.
  5. Show love, compassion, and kindness to those in need, reflecting the character of Christ.

By implementing these practices, we not only store up treasures in heaven but also experience the joy of participating in God’s redemptive work on earth. We find fulfillment in living out our true purpose and discover the abundant life that Jesus promises.

Remember, our earthly possessions may fade away, but the treasures we store up in heaven will last for eternity.

So, let us fix our eyes on the things that truly matter—eternal rewards, heavenly gains, and a life that is securely anchored in God’s kingdom. Invest in treasures that will never lose their value, and experience the profound joy and fulfillment that come from living a life that is centered on heavenly pursuits.

Eternal LifeA life that extends beyond this earthly existence, filled with the joy of being in God’s presence forever.
Divine FavorGod’s blessings, protection, and guidance in every aspect of life.
Spiritual GrowthIncreasing in knowledge, wisdom, and maturity, becoming more like Christ.
Impact on OthersLeaving a lasting legacy and making a positive difference in the lives of those around us.
Joy and PeaceExperiencing the abounding joy and peace that come from living according to God’s principles.

Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

When it comes to experiencing true fulfillment and satisfaction, a key principle to embrace is the hunger and thirst for righteousness. This principle is beautifully captured in Psalm 107:9, which declares, “For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.”

When you hunger and thirst for righteousness, you have a deep desire to live in alignment with God’s ways and principles. It is an earnest pursuit of what is right and just, both in your actions and in your heart. By seeking after righteousness, you open yourself up to a spiritual fulfillment that goes beyond mere surface-level gratification.

Think of it as a craving for righteousness that surpasses any physical hunger or thirst. It is a deep longing for a life that is pleasing to God, characterized by integrity, justice, and goodness.

“For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.” – Psalm 107:9

In this pursuit of righteousness, you will discover that God is faithful to satisfy the hunger and thirst of your soul. It is not a temporary or fleeting fulfillment, but a lasting and eternal satisfaction that comes from being in right relationship with God and living in accordance with His will.

This principle of hungering and thirsting for righteousness reminds us that true satisfaction cannot be found in worldly pursuits or material possessions. It is a reminder that our deepest longings can only be fulfilled through a genuine connection with the divine.

So, as you journey through life, make it a priority to pursue righteousness, both in your thoughts and actions. Seek after God’s ways and His kingdom above all else, knowing that in doing so, you will experience a deep and fulfilling satisfaction that surpasses any earthly pleasure or desire.

Allow yourself to be nourished by the goodness of God as you hunger and thirst for righteousness, and you will find that spiritual fulfillment awaits you.

Benefits of Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
Fulfillment and satisfaction beyond worldly desires
Deep connection with the divine
Alignment with God’s will and principles
Experiencing lasting and eternal fulfillment

The Merciful Receive Mercy

Demonstrating mercy invites divine mercy in return. This principle mirrors James 2:13, which asserts that mercy triumphs over judgment. By extending kindness and forgiveness to others, we experience the reward of divine mercy and participate in the cycle of kindness and forgiveness inherent in God’s kingdom.

divine mercy

James 2:13 – “For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.”

The concept of divine mercy is an integral part of Kingdom living. It reminds us that our actions towards others have a direct impact on the mercy we receive from God. When we show mercy and kindness to those around us, we create a cycle of kindness that has the power to transform relationships and bring about healing.

“For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” – James 2:13

In the book of James, we are reminded that mercy triumphs over judgment. Rather than harshly judging others, we are called to extend mercy and forgiveness. By doing so, we not only experience the reward of divine mercy but also cultivate an atmosphere of love and understanding.

The Cycle of Kindness and Forgiveness

When we choose to show mercy to others, we set in motion a cycle of kindness and forgiveness. Our acts of mercy create a ripple effect that can touch the lives of many. As we extend mercy, we receive mercy in return, demonstrating the interconnectedness of our actions.

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a key component of mercy. By forgiving those who have wronged us, we release ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment. Through forgiveness, we open ourselves up to receive the mercy and grace of God.

Embracing Divine Mercy

As followers of Christ, we are called to embrace divine mercy in our daily lives. By showing mercy and forgiveness to others, we reflect the character of God and participate in His kingdom’s values. When we extend mercy, we not only receive mercy from God but also inspire others to do the same.

In conclusion, the principle of “The Merciful Receive Mercy” reminds us of the power of mercy in our relationships and our connection with God. By embracing mercy and forgiveness, we experience the transformative power of divine mercy and contribute to the cycle of kindness and forgiveness within God’s kingdom.

The Pure in Heart Will See God

This promise offers a profound spiritual reward: a direct encounter with the divine. It is similar to Psalm 24:3-4, which speaks of the clean-handed and pure-hearted ascending the hill of the Lord and standing in His holy place. By cultivating purity of heart, we experience the reward of seeing and encountering God in a profound way.

the pure in heart will see god

Cultivating Purity of Heart

To see God and have a direct encounter with the divine, one must have a pure heart. This involves internal cleansing and moral purity, maintaining integrity and righteousness in thoughts, words, and actions.

When our hearts are untainted by deceit, impurity, and selfish motives, we become receptive to the spiritual presence of God. This purity of heart allows us to experience a deeper understanding of divine truths and encounter the transcendent beauty and glory of God.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” – Matthew 5:8

This verse from the Sermon on the Mount highlights the significance of purity of heart in attaining a direct encounter with God.

It reminds us that those with clean hearts are blessed and privileged to behold the presence of God. By purifying our hearts and aligning our desires with God’s will, we open ourselves to a profound spiritual experience that transcends our earthly existence.

Ascending the Hill of the Lord

The imagery of ascending the hill of the Lord signifies the journey towards spiritual elevation and divine communion. It represents the pursuit of righteousness, the quest for holiness, and the commitment to a life lived in accordance with God’s commands.

As we ascend this metaphorical hill, leaving behind the distractions and entanglements of the world, we draw closer to the presence of God. With each step, our hearts become purer, our spirits become attuned to the divine, and our souls become receptive to God’s transformative power.

The Reward of Encountering God

To see God and have a direct encounter with the divine is a reward beyond measure. It is an experience of awe, wonder, and spiritual fulfillment that transcends the boundaries of human understanding.

In this encounter, we may receive divine revelations, experience supernatural manifestations of God’s love and grace, and gain a deeper insight into the mysteries of God’s kingdom. Through this direct encounter, our faith is strengthened, our spiritual journey is affirmed, and our hearts are filled with a profound sense of peace and joy.

Benefits of Encountering GodScriptural References
Deepened faith and spiritual growthPsalm 119:10, Jeremiah 24:7
Divine guidance and directionPsalm 32:8, Proverbs 3:5-6
Strengthened relationship with GodJames 4:8, 1 John 3:1-3
Experience of peace, joy, and fulfillmentPsalm 16:11, John 15:11
Transformation and renewal of the mindRomans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18

Encountering God is an invitation to a deeper relationship, a transformative experience that shapes our character, aligns our desires with His, and empowers us to live a life of purpose and impact.

The pure in heart who ascend the hill of the Lord are blessed with the privilege of directly communing with the divine, basking in His presence, and encountering the fullness of God’s love and glory.

Blessed Are the Meek

Inheriting the earth, the meek experience God’s provision and strength. This principle resonates with Psalm 37:11, which promises a peaceful future for the gentle. By embracing humility and gentleness, we tap into the power of meekness and experience the reward of God’s provision and strength.

The meek, often misunderstood and undervalued, hold a special place in the Kingdom of God. Their quiet strength and gentle spirit exemplify the character that God esteems. Despite the world’s emphasis on power and dominance, it is the meek who find themselves blessed with divine provision and unwavering strength.

Meekness is not weakness; rather, it is a demonstration of humility and strength under control. As we embrace humility and gentleness in our daily lives, we align ourselves with God’s character and His Kingdom values. By doing so, we position ourselves to receive abundant blessings from Him.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” – Matthew 5:5

In this verse, Jesus assures us that the meek will inherit the earth, a promise that extends far beyond material possessions. Inherit the earth encompasses a peaceful future rooted in God’s provision and guidance. The meek find favor with God, who bestows upon them the blessings of His Kingdom.

When we exhibit meekness, we acknowledge that our strength and provision come from God and not from our own efforts. We rely on His divine provision, trusting that He will meet our needs and guide us along the path He has set before us. In this surrender, we find the peace and security that surpasses understanding.

Meekness opens our hearts to God’s perfect provision and strength, enabling us to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and grace. It is through humility and gentleness that we find true contentment, discovering a richness of life that the world cannot offer.

Let us embrace the virtue of meekness, recognizing that it is through the posture of humility and gentleness that we receive the abundant blessings of God’s provision and strength. As we cultivate a meek spirit, we align ourselves with His Kingdom values and invite His peace and provision into our lives.

blessed are the meek
Rewards of being meekScripture reference
Inheriting the earthMatthew 5:5
Experience God’s provisionPsalm 37:11
Peaceful futurePsalm 37:11
Strength under control 

Rejoice and Be Glad in Persecutions

Facing persecution for righteousness leads to great rewards in heaven. This principle aligns with James 1:12, which promises the crown of life to those who persevere under trial.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

Persecution may bring challenges and difficulties, but it is an opportunity to display unwavering faith and commitment to God. In the midst of trials, we have a choice—to be discouraged or to rejoice and find gladness in our sufferings.

When we face persecution with an eternal perspective, we understand that our earthly struggles pale in comparison to the heavenly recognition and honor awaiting us. Our sufferings become a testament to our faith and devotion, serving as a witness to the transformative power of God in our lives.

In the face of persecution, we are called to maintain an unwavering trust in God and stand firm in our faith. Embracing a perspective rooted in eternity enables us to rejoice and be glad, knowing that our temporary sufferings yield eternal rewards.

Benefits of Rejoicing in Persecutions:

  • Great rewards in heaven
  • The crown of life
  • Eternal perspective and hope
  • Testimony of faithfulness

By rejoicing and finding gladness in the midst of persecution, we not only experience the rewards promised by God but also inspire others through our unwavering faith. The crown of life awaits those who persevere, demonstrating the enduring power of God’s love and the extraordinary depth of His grace.


Love Your Enemies

One of the most challenging commands in the teachings of Jesus is to love your enemies. It goes against our natural instincts and requires a deep level of humility and selflessness. However, this command comes with a powerful promise – by loving our enemies, we become children of the Father in heaven.

This command echoes the words of Romans 5:10, which speaks of God’s transformative power of love and reconciliation. It says, “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.”

When we choose to love our enemies, we participate in the incredible transformative power of love. Through this love, we experience a divine familial connection with our heavenly Father. It is through our willingness to forgive, show kindness, and extend grace that we reflect the character of God.

In a world filled with hatred and division, loving our enemies is a radical act of counter-cultural love. It challenges us to see beyond the surface and embrace the humanity of those who may oppose us. In doing so, we break the cycle of animosity and create opportunities for reconciliation and healing.

“But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – Matthew 5:44

Loving our enemies is not about condoning their actions but about responding with love and compassion, just as God has shown us. It is an invitation to extend grace, seek understanding, and work towards reconciliation. Through this transformative act of love, we can dismantle barriers, foster unity, and create lasting change.

The Transformative Power of Love

The transformative power of love extends far beyond our personal relationships. It has the potential to break down walls, bridge divides, and heal communities. When we choose to love our enemies, we actively participate in the work of reconciliation and contribute to the healing of a broken world.

This transformative power of love is beautifully captured in the life and teachings of Jesus. His example challenges us to love not only those who agree with us but also those who oppose us. By following his example, we embody the values of compassion, forgiveness, and empathy.

As difficult as it may be, loving our enemies has the power to bring about deep personal growth and spiritual transformation. It strengthens our character, expands our capacity for empathy, and aligns us with the heart of God.

Benefits of Loving Your EnemiesScripture Reference
Breaks the cycle of hatred and animosityMatthew 5:44
Creates opportunities for reconciliation2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Reflects the character of God1 John 4:8
Strengthens personal characterColossians 3:12-14
Contributes to healing and unity in communitiesEphesians 4:2-3

Loving our enemies is a powerful and transformative act that has the potential to change lives, communities, and even the world. By embracing this challenging command, we not only experience the reward of divine familial connection and reconciliation, but we also become agents of love, peace, and transformation in our world.

The Last Will Be First

Embracing humility and service is the pathway to true greatness in God’s kingdom. Jesus affirmed this principle in Mark 9:35 when He stated that the one who is willing to be last of all and servant of all will be exalted.

This counterintuitive approach highlights the upside-down values of God’s kingdom. In a world that often equates greatness with power, status, and self-promotion, the Kingdom of God values humility and service as the true markers of greatness.

By embracing these values, you position yourself to experience the reward of exaltation, true greatness, and the fulfillment of God’s purposes in your life.

Humility and service are not signs of weakness, but rather reflections of a heart willing to lay down personal ambition and agenda for the sake of others.

When you choose to serve others with humility, you embody the very essence of Christ’s love and sacrificial nature. It is in this selfless act of service that you find your true purpose and become an instrument of God’s transformative power in the lives of others.