The Rewards of Reconciliation: 7 Benefits Outlined in Matthew

Have you ever wondered what rewards await you when you choose to reconcile with others and with God?

In the book of Matthew, there are seven incredible benefits that come from embracing reconciliation. These rewards go beyond mere resolution of conflicts – they bring spiritual wellness, divine peace, and a deeper understanding of God’s love and purpose.

Through biblical insights, we will explore the profound impact that reconciliation can have on your life. Each benefit reveals a powerful truth about the transformative nature of forgiveness and restoration.

Join us as we delve into the wisdom of Matthew and uncover the remarkable benefits that come from embracing reconciliation. Get ready to experience spiritual clarity, freedom from bitterness, improved physical health, and enhanced testimony and witness.

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Peace with Others and God: Aligning with God’s Nature

Reconciliation holds tremendous significance in our lives, not only in restoring relationships with others but also in aligning us more closely with God’s nature. According to Matthew 5:9, Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

By actively seeking reconciliation, we assume the role of peacemakers and are acknowledged as children of God. This recognition underscores the deep connection between reconciliation and our identity as children of God.

Reconciliation goes beyond settling differences and repairing broken bonds. It fosters a divine peace that transcends human understanding, as stated in Philippians 4:7: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

This divine peace, arising from reconciliation, not only brings healing and harmony to our relationships but also safeguards our hearts and minds, anchoring us in the love and grace of Christ.

Reconciliation not only mends relationships with others but also aligns us more closely with God’s nature.

As we embrace reconciliation, we experience the transformative power of divine peace. It is a peace that surpasses the fleeting tranquility of worldly circumstances and offers a profound sense of serenity rooted in our connection with God.

This divine peace empowers us to navigate conflicts with grace, extend forgiveness, and foster reconciliation in all areas of our lives.

Table: The Benefits of Reconciliation

Restored RelationshipsReconciliation heals broken relationships, creating a foundation of love and understanding.
Inner HealingBy releasing resentment and bitterness, reconciliation brings inner healing and emotional well-being.
Divine PeaceReconciliation fosters a peace that transcends human understanding, grounding us in God’s grace.
Stronger WitnessChoosing reconciliation enhances our testimony and reflects the gospel message of forgiveness and love.
Increased CompassionReconciliation broadens our capacity for compassion and empathy, deepening our emotional intelligence.
Blessings and FavorBy aligning with God’s will and embracing reconciliation, we open ourselves to divine blessings and favor.

Reconciliation is a transformative process that not only brings peace with others but also aligns us with the very nature of God. It leads to a divine peace that surpasses understanding and guards our hearts and minds.

By actively engaging in reconciliation, we embody the character of peacemakers and embrace our identity as children of God.

In the following sections, we will explore the various rewards and benefits that arise from reconciliation, delving deeper into the spiritual wellness and profound transformation that it offers.

Spiritual Clarity and Focus: Removing Hindrances

In the book of Matthew, Jesus underscores the significance of resolving conflicts with others before approaching the altar in Matthew 5:23-24.

This biblical passage suggests that unresolved conflicts can impede our spiritual life and our ability to worship. By removing these barriers through reconciliation, we can cultivate a clearer and more focused connection with God.

Unresolved conflicts can weigh heavily on our hearts and minds, causing distractions and hindering our spiritual journey. They create a sense of disharmony within us, preventing us from fully experiencing the peace and spiritual wellness that God intends for us.

When we allow these conflicts to persist, they disrupt our communion with God and our ability to offer our worship sincerely.

However, when we take the steps to address these conflicts and seek reconciliation, we open the door to spiritual clarity and focus. By embracing the practice of reconciliation, we align ourselves with God’s desires for our lives.

The process of reconciling allows us to let go of resentment, bitterness, and grudges, enabling us to fully engage in worship and deepen our connection with God.

“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” – Matthew 5:23-24

Reconciliation not only mends broken relationships but also restores our spiritual well-being. It removes the obstacles that hinder our ability to fully embrace God’s purpose for our lives, allowing us to walk in spiritual clarity and focus.

When we engage in reconciliation, we experience a renewed sense of peace, both internally and in our relationships. The weight of unresolved conflicts is lifted, allowing us to redirect our energy and attention towards pursuing God’s plan. With spiritual clarity and focus, we can align ourselves with God’s will, fully embracing our spiritual journey, and deepening our worship.

Through the act of reconciliation, we can find solace in knowing that we are following Jesus’ teachings and exemplifying His love in our interactions with others. It is through this intentional effort to reconcile that we gain a clearer perspective on God’s purpose for our lives and experience a heightened sense of spiritual focus.

In the next section, we will explore how reconciliation leads to freedom from bitterness, enabling us to release resentment and experience inner healing.

Spiritual Clarity and Focus

Freedom from Bitterness: Eradicating Resentment

Hebrews 12:15 warns against the root of bitterness that can grow from unresolved conflict, causing trouble and defiling many. Reconciliation helps to eradicate this bitterness, bringing a sense of freedom and lightness to the soul. By choosing to reconcile, you can release resentment and experience inner healing.

Unresolved conflict can linger in your heart and mind, poisoning your thoughts and emotions. It can seep into your relationships, causing strain and distance between you and others. The bitterness resulting from unresolved conflict can harm not only your well-being but also the well-being of those around you.

Hebrews 12:15 (NIV) warns, “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”

Reconciliation offers a way out of this cycle of bitterness. It allows you to confront the unresolved conflict, address the hurt, and seek understanding and resolution. Through reconciliation, you can find freedom from the weight of bitterness and experience a renewed sense of peace and well-being.

Choosing reconciliation requires courage and a commitment to healing. It’s not always easy to let go of resentment and choose forgiveness, but the rewards are immeasurable. When you release bitterness through reconciliation, you create space for love, joy, and compassion to flourish in your life.

The Power of Reconciliation

Reconciliation has the power to transform your relationships and your own well-being. By embracing reconciliation, you can:

  • Heal emotional wounds
  • Restore broken relationships
  • Experience inner peace
  • Nurture empathy and understanding
  • Grow in emotional intelligence
  • Receive God’s grace and forgiveness
  • Live a life free from resentment and bitterness
Benefits of ReconciliationScripture References
Healing emotional woundsPsalm 147:3
Restoring broken relationshipsMatthew 5:23-24
Experiencing inner peaceJohn 14:27
Nurturing empathy and understandingColossians 3:12-13
Growing in emotional intelligenceProverbs 15:1
Receiving God’s grace and forgivenessEphesians 4:32
Living a life free from resentment and bitternessGalatians 5:22-23

Reconciliation is a transformative process that brings freedom from bitterness and fosters lasting peace. By choosing to reconcile, you can experience healing, restoration, and a renewed sense of purpose and joy.

Improved Physical Health: The Power of a Cheerful Heart

Proverbs 17:22 tells us, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Maintaining a positive and joyful attitude has a profound impact on your overall well-being, including your physical health.

The negative emotions and stress that come from unresolved conflict can take a toll on your body, leading to various health issues.

However, through the transformative power of reconciliation, you can experience improved physical health. Reconciliation allows you to let go of burdens, release negativity, and embrace a more positive outlook on life.

By resolving conflicts and seeking forgiveness, you can alleviate stress, reduce tension, and improve your overall vitality.

When you choose to reconcile, you open yourself up to healing and restoration. The weight of bitterness and resentment is lifted, and you can experience a sense of freedom and lightness. As you embrace reconciliation, you create space for improved physical health to flourish.

improved physical health

Embracing a cheerful heart and seeking reconciliation not only benefits your physical health but also enhances your emotional and mental well-being. It allows you to cultivate positive relationships, foster inner peace, and live a more fulfilling life.

Enhanced Testimony and Witness: Reflecting the Gospel Message

Reconciliation is not merely an act of resolving conflicts; it is a profound reflection of the gospel message itself. When we choose to reconcile with others, we embody the core values of forgiveness, grace, and the love of Christ.

By living out these principles, our testimony and influence as Christians are greatly enhanced, impacting the lives of those around us.

In John 13:35, Jesus says, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” When we engage in reconciliation, we demonstrate the love of Christ in a tangible way.

Our actions speak louder than words, and they speak volumes about the transformative power of forgiveness and grace. Through reconciliation, we become living testimonies of God’s mercy and compassion.

“Reconciliation is the language of love, forgiveness, and restoration.”


Our commitment to reconciliation not only affects our personal relationships but also extends to our witness in the world. As others witness the grace and forgiveness we extend to those who have hurt us, they are drawn to the hope and healing found in the gospel message.

Our choice to reconcile becomes an invitation for others to experience the transforming power of God’s love.

Furthermore, reconciliation provides a unique opportunity to share the gospel message itself. As we extend forgiveness and grace, we have the privilege of sharing our own stories of redemption and restoration, pointing others to the ultimate source of healing and reconciliation – Jesus Christ.

Enhanced Testimony and Witness

By embracing reconciliation, we not only strengthen our own witness but also become agents of change in a fractured and broken world. Our commitment to reconciliation becomes an invitation for others to embark on their own journey of healing and restoration.

Through our actions and words, we can inspire others to pursue reconciliation and experience the profound transformation it brings.

Increased Capacity for Compassion and Empathy: Broadening Emotional Intelligence

When engaging in the process of reconciliation, we often find ourselves actively seeking to understand the perspective and feelings of the other person involved. This intentional effort to empathize with their experiences and emotions can have a profound impact on our own emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions while also being sensitive to the emotions of others. Through the practice of reconciliation, we develop an increased capacity for compassion and empathy, allowing us to connect with and understand others on a deeper level.

A key biblical passage that emphasizes the importance of compassion and empathy in reconciliation comes from Colossians 3:12-13:

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

This passage reminds us that by embracing reconciliation, we not only demonstrate the love and forgiveness of Christ, but we also cultivate qualities that align with God’s nature.

Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience are all key elements of emotional intelligence that enhance our ability to navigate relationships and interactions with others.

As we broaden our emotional intelligence through reconciliation, we become more adept at recognizing the feelings and needs of those around us. This allows us to respond with empathy, showing understanding and support in difficult situations.

It also enables us to approach conflicts and disagreements with a greater sense of perspective, seeking solutions that prioritize unity and understanding rather than personal agendas.

Ultimately, the increased capacity for compassion and empathy that results from reconciliation has the power to transform not only our individual relationships but also our communities and societies as a whole.

By fostering emotional intelligence, we contribute to a more empathetic and compassionate world where understanding and harmony prevail.

increased capacity for compassion and empathy

The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Reconciliation

  • Enhances understanding and empathy
  • Promotes unity and reconciliation
  • Enables effective conflict resolution
  • Fosters compassionate and supportive relationships
  • Creates a more empathetic society

Divine Blessing and Favor: Embracing God’s Will

In the words of Matthew 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” This verse reminds us that when we engage in reconciliation, we align ourselves with God’s will and open the door to divine blessing and favor that we may not even anticipate.

Reconciliation is an act of mercy, a reflection of God’s character and a way to extend His love and forgiveness to others. By choosing to reconcile with those who have hurt us or whom we have hurt, we position ourselves to receive God’s abundant blessings and favor in our lives.

As Luke 6:37 tells us, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Through reconciliation, we embrace this commandment, and in doing so, we invite God’s mercy and favor into our lives.

When we align ourselves with God’s will and make the choice to reconcile, we position ourselves for a life filled with divine blessings and favor. By embracing the call to mercy and forgiveness, we invite the transformative power of reconciliation into our relationships and experience the abundant grace of God in our lives.